ICON 2022 has been featured in Volume 38 of the Pakistan Journal of Medical Sciences. The journal shares ICON 2022’s theme “Beyond the Call of Duty,” highlighting work that clinicians and researchers from over 22 specialties have produced above and beyond their routine work in this all-consuming pandemic.
The journal extensively covers Indus Hospital & Health Network’s (IHHN) vast achievements during the past two years as the COVID-19 pandemic has taken a tremendous toll on routine healthcare service provision. During these testing times, IHHN quickly adapted itself to ensure services were available and the demands of COVID-19 treatment were met in the hospital and the community. While IHHN rapidly partnered with stakeholders and participated in much-needed clinical research, including international drug and vaccine trials, the spirit of action and self was exhibited by all staff, whether frontline, ancillary, or support.
The theme for ICON 2022 is especially dedicated to the spirit of intense courage and personal sacrifice that our healthcare staff displayed throughout the challenging COVID-19 waves. ICON, however, isn’t exclusively focused on the pandemic. The topics and subject matters being covered at the conference are diverse and not necessarily focused on COVID-19. With more than 50 scientific sessions and over 100 pre-conference workshops being conducted throughout the event, it serves as a forum for national and international audiences to keep in touch with the latest research and findings to challenging issues in healthcare service delivery.