Dr. Jabeen Fayyaz
Dr. Jabeen Fayyaz completed her medical training at Dow University of Health Sciences, Karachi, Pakistan. She was awarded her Diploma, MCPS, and FCPS Pediatrics from the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Pakistan. Later, she completed the Masters in HPE from Aga khan University and is currently the Ph.D. candidate in simulation in HPE at MGH Harvard. Dr. Fayyaz was actively involved in developing the Emergency Medicine program In Pakistan and Oman throughout her career. She developed a virtual blended learning course for managing acute pediatric emergencies, the first of its kind in Southeast Asia in 2010 run across the Aga Khan development network. In Toronto, Canada, Dr. Fayyaz completed her Pediatric Emergency Medicine (PEM) Fellowship and Simulation Fellowship at The Hospital for Sick Children. It facilitated several simulation-based courses, including APLS, procedural sedation, acute care resuscitation training for residents, PEM fellows. She has been the Resuscitation lead for the Competency-based medical education program for PEM faculty since 2018, the first of its kind in Canada. She has been Resuscitation Lead in the department and Led various initiatives, including implementing Acute event debriefing, incorporating Virtual simulation and Virtual gaming simulation into the Residents, fellows, and faculty Simulation-based educational activities. She has mage partners with various international sim leaders including, INSPIRE, IPSS, SSH, and IMPACTS, and leading multiple virtual simulation based courses with Macmaster, University of Yale, USA, and Indus hospital, health network, Karachi Pakistan, and TelAviv university Israel are among few to name. Her interests include resuscitation, Virtual simulation, acute event debriefing, and patient safety and quality improvement practices utilizing simulation. She recently won the Teaching award for Subspeciality teaching from the University of Toronto and two education grants to incorporate cultural sensitivity and Virtual simulations.