Dr. Shahid Pervez
Councilor, College of Physicians & Surgeons (CPSP) for the term 2019-2023. Country Advisor Royal College of Pathologist, UK Founder President ‘Histopathology & Cytology Society of Pakistan (HCSP) Founder President International Academy of Pathology (IAP)-Pakistan Division Founder President ‘SAARC Academy of Cytology & Histopathology (SACH)’ Vice President ‘Middle Eastern association for Cancer Research (MEACR)’ Councilor ‘Asia Pacific Society for Molecular Immunohistology (APSMI) Chair, Karachi Cancer Registry. Over 225 peer-reviewed publications, several book chapters & Editor ‘Atlas of Diagnostic & Predictive Histopathology’ 2nd Edition published by Springer, June 2020 Supervised several PhD students as Primary supervisor and co-supervisor and a large number of FCPS residents in Histopathology.