Zaki Uddin
Speaker’s Name: Dr. Zakiuddin Ahmed
Designation: CEO – Digital Care and Project Director of RIHIS​ Founder Institute of Innovation, Leadership in Medicine (IiILM) Secretary, Health Research, Advisory Board (HealthRAB)
Biography: Dr. Zakiuddin Ahmed is a distinguished leader in the realm of digital healthcare and a visionary in leveraging technology for the advancement of medical services. With a multifaceted role spanning across various prestigious positions, his expertise, insights, and transformative approach have catalyzed groundbreaking changes in the healthcare landscape. As CEO of Digital Care, spearheading initiatives that harness the potential of digital innovation to revolutionize healthcare delivery. His strategic direction and pioneering initiatives have propelled the organization to the forefront of the digital healthcare industry. His visionary leadership, and commitment to leveraging technology for the betterment of healthcare make him an esteemed authority and an engaging speaker on topics ranging from digital transformation in healthcare to patient safety, leadership, and the future of medicine. comprehensive expertise, visionary leadership, and commitment to leveraging technology for the betterment of healthcare make him an esteemed authority and an engaging speaker on topics ranging from digital transformation in healthcare to patient safety, leadership, and the future of medicine